I have been planning a few ideas for our great KAL. Today I am going to concentrate on getting a contest started.
Spring has sprung and summer is right around the corner. Ball games, graduation parties, vacation and camping are just some of the things in our future. Another great part of summer? Knitting socks. The perfect summer project, sock knitting can be taken just about anywhere. It isn’t so large that it makes you sweat and as we all know socks are just cool!!
So here’s the deal. I want to see your socks en route. Take a picture of your socks in progress on the carousel at Como Zoo, running the rapids in Colorado (don’t endanger yourself for the photo though), at a cafĂ© in Paris or even sitting by the fire at a nearby state park. Maybe your sock went to cousin Jason’s grad party and ate too much potato salad. Perhaps it is planning to have fun at the family 4th of July picnic. Take a picture. We want to see it!
Truth be told we have all brought along our knitting with no real intention of working on it - only to break it out for just a few rows. This may be the
very best part of sock knitting.
This contest will run over the summer. I will keep track of everyone’s posts and the great pictures. I would also like your permission (via an email or a notation on your post) to use any photos on this and our other
Yarnery Blog so that all might see the great places we have been and the wonderful socks we have knit.
There will be prize categories. And they will be (drum roll please):
Furthest Traveled Sock
You Brought Your Sock Where?
(most unique spot to find a sock)
Knitter’s Are Everywhere
(get a picture of you and your sock with a fellow knitter you met on your travels)
Best in Show Sock
There will be one prize awarded for each category. The prizes are still in the making but I’m thinking you’ll love them.
The contest will run from today until August 15. Final entries must be posted by midnight, August 15, 2008. You may post as many entries as you would like. Posts without photos will not qualify for prizes but we would like to hear from you anyway.
And just to give you extra incentive: check your email for all of this info
and a 10% off coupon.